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Our flexible pricing model was created to suit your needs. Let us know a little more about your practice and we’ll help find the best approach for your location.
NirvSystem is a great fit for most healthcare institutions. See our terms of use for details.
NirvSystem reserves the right to change pricing at any time.
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Frequently Asked Questions
NirvSystem is the platform for healthcare institutions that manages all requirements for incoming healthcare learners, allowing administrators to be more organized and efficient with the management of all learners from Day 1. Hospitals save time, lower cost and increase learner satisfaction by automating the core tasks associated with the onboarding process. NirvSystem also includes key policy and compliance workflow requirements to ensure the institution has mitigated it’s risk of having learners in the institution. Every imaginable learner interaction and engagement is covered, and guiding your learners on their journeys with your institution has never been easier or more effective.
NirvSystem allows Institutions to provide a premium, efficient experience by leveraging cloud based access to the tasks every learner is required to complete as they work through their rotation. For healthcare admin staff, NirvSystem will provide a rich environment to allow for the thorough management of the various types of learners in each healthcare institution. From Medical, to Nursing to Allied health and Observers, every learner can use the system and be compliant and up to date with all required documentation. With NirvSystem you can engage learners with the right message at the right time, resulting in a streamlined, more productive experience.
We offer a variety of support people, including Support links with full documentation . We also provide email support during normal business hours (9AM – 6PM EST Monday – Friday) to give you personalized customer service. If you’re Premium , you can also get scheduled phone support.
Typically the implementation per institution is roughly 4-6 weeks , based on institution requirements. Requirements are gathered from pre- defined checklists and implemented for your hospital.